I know this cake is a little sad, but I am taking the
Wilton Cake Decorating classes again...and here is
my first sweet reward! More to come.
mY wILToN CaKe ClasS
frOm ThE sOuTh: CaRaMeL CaKE

tHe IciNg
3 Cups brown sugar
1 Cup white sugar
1 tbs. flour
MiX WeLl ThEn AdD:
1 lg. can evaporated milk-exactly 1.5 cups
boil above ingredients in a sauce pn until 236 degrees (soft ball stage). ReMovE FrOm HeAt aNd AdD:
2 tbs. butter
1 tbs. vanilla
Let rest until room temp. You want it thick and creamy. Put between layers and for sure on the top!
fRoM tHe KitCheN oF: my mother-in-law, Barbara
cHocOlaTe CuPcAKeS wItH PenUcHe FiLlInG
cUp CaKes
1 box chocolate fudge cake mix
1 1/3 cups water
1/2 cup veggie oil
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup butter
2 cups packed brown sugar
1/2 cup milk
5 cups powdered sugar
1 oz grated semisweet baking cocolate, optional
1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray muffin cups.
2.Mix up the cake mix, water, oil, eggs, and vanilla with electric mixer on low speed for 30 seconds. Beat on medium speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. Divide batter into muffin cups.
3.Bake till toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool.
4.Meanwhile, in 2 quart saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Stir in brown sugar. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly; reduce heat to low. Boil and stir 2 minutes. Stir in milk. Heat to boiling; remove from heat and refridgerate for 30(ish) minutes or until luke warm.
5.Beat powdered sugar into cooled brown sugar mixture on low speed until smooth. If frosting becomes too stiff, stir in additional milk, 1 teaspoon at a time.
6.Cut each cup cake in half horizontally. Place heaping tablespoon of filling on each cupcake base. Replace cupcake tops. Pipe or spoon rounded 1 tablespoon frosting onto cupcake tops. Garnish with grated chocolate.
fRoM tHe KitChEn Of: Betty Crocker Super Moist Cakes